Veterinary Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Clinic
Specializing in complementary therapies and rehabilitation
Veterinary Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Clinic Photo Gallery
Veterinary Chiropractic Adjustments
Veterinary Acupuncture Treatments
Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Exercises
Underwater Treadmill Therapy for Small Animals
Underwater Treadmill Therapy for Horses
Dr. Robinett is certified in Veterinary Chiropractic by the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association
Dr. Robinett is certified in Veterinary Acupuncture by the Chi Institutue
*These exercises have been prescribed to each individual patient to target a specific muscle or muscle group that they need to develop. Please do not try any of these exercises at home with your pet without going through a therapy program. Some of them are very advanced exercises that took time to work up to and could injure your pet if not done correctly.